We are happy to start a great and challenging adventure!

Following a notice from the municipality of Thiene (VI) we were awarded the management of the historic city Music Institute, a civic institution dedicated to music.

Together with two other strong local associations, CorOrchestra and InarteSalus, we will divide ourselves into three communicating departments to create a musical HUB that will deal with ancient music, classic, modern and music therapy. A training offer of great professional depth for the city of Thiene.

Our expertise will concern the organization of ancient music courses (harpsichord, viola da gamba, baroque cello, baroque violin, Renaissance and Baroque singing, lute, baroque guitar, and theorbo). 


In ours baroque weekends, our teachers in the form of masterclasses will be available to anyone who wants to try their own ancient music on original instruments!

To complete the offer we are organizing a new festival! il first Ancient Music festival of the Alto Vicenza MAAV

Musical preparatory courses for the little ones and great attention to ensemble music with already trained ensembles such as Archisonanti, JuniorOrchestra, JuniorStrings.

Of course all civic musical schools have all other classical instruments, so YOU ​​ARE FROM THIENE? You like playing and learning to play a musical instrument? here are the references!!!

tel. 0445364102




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