Il 2022 brings an important innovation to the Dolci Accenti musical APS: the beginning of a new challenge and a goal dreamed of for a long time. After some timid beginnings in recent years during the events of the international ancient music festival ” Note Senza tempo” the masterclasses of ancient instruments become monthly and in full-immersion mode.
We wanted to dedicate it to young concert performers with talent, but not only to them, a training and discussion space to delve deeper into issues relating to the use of original tools, of the executive practice of research and comparison of sources. The results will allow them to have greater visibility and the ability to express themselves in live concerts. Filling this void brings Sassari to the center of the production of ancient music also with music by forgotten authors brought to light and never performed again .
The intent is to introduce young musicians to ancient music and the use of original instruments through attendance at courses held by teachers specialized in this repertoire.. Promote the valorization of young musical talents through the public concert experience. Promote research and valorization of often forgotten authors.
– Bringing musicians closer to early music and historically informed performance practice, even with modern tools.
– Offer improvement lessons to those who play original instruments.
– Refine the historical technique and delve into the organological evolution of the proposed instruments.
– With full-immersion lessons on weekends.
– With monthly appointments, but also regular.
– With public performances by the best students and their teachers, thanks to the festival dedicated to them SYEMF Sassari Youth Early Music Festival.
The course location will be at the ancient Franciscan library of the church of Santa Maria di Betlem in Sassari.
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