The project involves the creation of various practical-operational laboratories focused on reading, the music, construction of small instruments using wood and other materials, stories. Aimed at children in the historic center of Sassari who experience severe hardship, the project intends to combat school dropout, promote social integration, improve the psycho-physical well-being of children.
DOVE. The ancient Franciscan Library of Santa Maria di Betlem represents the privileged place for promoting itineraries, laboratory strategies designed to arouse curiosity and love for the book, enhance the art of music, to bring out the need for the pleasure of reading and the beauty of listening. The ancient suggestive context helps to grow, enriches, passionate, it fuels imagination and creativity because it has the power to let children enter the narrative and relive it at their leisure, all through active participation.
COME. The book together with music become tools that offer a privileged path to knowing oneself and others, they help decipher reality, to better understand conflicts between generations and to reflect on the relationship between man, history and the surrounding world and also between man and his emotions. Through reading fairy tales, little stories set to live music with instrumentalists, and socialization will be facilitated through creative and violin-making workshops, attention to listening and manual skills will be developed.
TO WHO. E’ aimed at children/pre-adolescents 5 and i 13 years of the historic center but not only, who will be involved in projects related to reading, listening to music through experiential workshops. The project aims to lay the foundations towards greater social integration.
FROM WHO. There are various professional figures who will lead the workshops: music therapists, graduates in music education, musical instrument teachers, luthiers and educators.
Reading of fairy tales and musical stories (with music performed live by various instrumentalists).
Preparatory reading workshops.
Participatory listening guide activities.
Musical preparatory laboratory, body rhythm.
Construction of small percussion instruments or musical instruments through woodworking.
Workshops to increase the sense of perception.
Group games for socialization and integration.
Knowledge and use of musical instruments and first ensemble musical experiences.
Only by starting with children is it possible to develop knowledge of one's own and other people's emotions through collective projects, to check, to give motivation. You learn in practice how to manage relationships. A teaching of giving music to others in any way it helps to break the fear of others since music has the same effect on everyone and music has the same effect on everyone. Reading and stories lead to the same goals.
If you want, you can make a donation to help strengthen this project with the purchase of additional materials (books, instruments, furnishings)
This is the current account of the musical APS Dolci Accenti
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Current account name
APS Musical Sweet Accents
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Causal: free donation for project “once upon a time there was music”
or click directly on this link for a free donation!
for further information on the developments of the project write to us!